Quiz VIP


Ready to turn your followers into customers?

Tap into the power of interactive marketing to skyrocket your sales!


The truth?
Most people are ot going to purchase your offers or products the first time they see them.

They need to be guided and nurtured, and you need to build trust and connection before you close the sale.

But between fulfillment, client work and content creation, you can't spend hours in your dm's. 

You need a powerful interactive quiz that will turn your ideal followers into customers- on autopilot.

You've come to the right place....

I find the connection pieces that make marketing absolute magic.

From podcasting, to sales and building communities with amazing female entrepreneurs, I discovered my "always chats in class" report cards were actually gifts that enabled me to help others communicate and develop fun and unique marketing strategies.

Fast forward six years, I've built multiple six and seven figure businesses doing what I LOVE. And now I help driven and motivated entrepreneurs scale their income and empires with unique and impactful online quizzes!

I'm Kirsten!

hey there...

Your quiz  funnel needs these
three things:

Your quiz is the gateway to engaging your audience and capturing their attention.

It needs to be more than just a series of questions – it should be an experience that sparks curiosity, encourages participation, and leaves a lasting impression.

A Captivating Quiz 🌟

Results that Resonate💡

Once your audience has taken your quiz, it's crucial to deliver results that truly resonate with them.

Your quiz results should offer valuable insights, personalized recommendations, and a strong "aha" moment that primes them for the next step in their journey. 

Emails that Convert 🔥

The final piece of the puzzle is a thoughtful, targeted nurture sequence that guides your leads from cold to hot. 

A well-crafted nurture sequence is the key to transforming quiz takers into loyal customers.

 You need a quiz that drives buyers to your offers while serving up value+ connection. This isn't about creating one of those "What type of fruit are you?" quizzes. Those aren't helping anyone do anything.

Anyone can create an online quiz.  There are hundreds of templates and guides on how to get it done.

But between crafting a quiz people actually want to take  and coming up with a strategy that will lead to a highly engaged list that actually converts?

That's a whole thing- it requires a strategic approach that takes into consideration your offers+ audience details to craft a quiz that truly connects.

Except maybe induce a hankering for an apple...

This is why I created the Quiz VIP experience where I work with you to build a fun, engaging quiz that will turn your followers into loyal buyers.


We spend a few hours together, planning the perfect quiz for your biz. I take all the data about your offer(s), brand, mission and audience  to carefully craft a quiz and an intentional customer journey. We dive deep and identify a completely unique and never-before-seen quiz.

I take all that research and build out a fully automated quiz funnel. I set up everything from questions and answers to powerful results types that will speak to the souls of your audience and direct them right to the products or offers that are best suited for them.

We turn your dm's into a lean mean converting machine, and connect your quiz to your list, where your leads will be guided to purchase/work with you! 

Working with Kirsten was the best decision we ever made! Not only is she a marketing genius, but she made the process so fun it didn’t even feel like work! We laughed our way through the quiz creation process and had so much fun getting to know each other and defining our ideal customers. 

We came in with some ideas and she totally heard us out, but made them 10 times better. She is a great listener, but always puts her own personal spin on things with her fantastic writing skills and creative mind! She’s truly amazing at what she does! If you’re thinking about hiring her to help with quiz creation or anything marketing don’t hesitate, she’s your girl! 

take it from my amazing clients:

Ashlie + Kim
Bliss Boutique

Collaborating with her was equal parts inspiring and mesmerizing, as she left me wondering how she understands my clients as well as I do. 

Her ability to write copy that makes the reader feel like they are understood while compelling them to engage is nothing short of magical. 

Kirsten is dedicated to her customers and never stops short of perfection. If you are looking for a new way to generate leads and have been intrigued by quizzes, I highly recommend partnering with Kirsten as she will deliver a product that you will be proud to call your own."

Self-made u

"Kirsten does incredible work when it comes to creating THE PERFECT quiz. 

I know how fun it is for ME to take quizzes, so I loved the idea of offering one of my own.

When Kirsten offered her "Quiz VIP" option, I totally jumped at the chance. Even though I knew the basics of quiz creation, I was confident I could only benefit from seeing the master in action.

It was an absolute blast and Kirsten brought out the best of the creative chaos swirling around in my brain! It was so much fun and Kirsten designed the perfect quiz for my course and my audience. You won't regret working with her for one second!

Amanda Koch
My Well Balanced Life

I first discovered Kirsten when I purchased her course on how to create a quiz, and I was absolutely hooked 

You want highly qualified leads, and you want the peace of mind in knowing your quiz has been built effectively.

FOr all my clients I also include:

30 Day Support

After your quiz funnel is built you have support via Slack for 30 days where I ensure the effectiveness of your quiz and all the elements connected to it. I'll make tweaks and help you achieve the highest conversions possible with your content strategy! 

The Quiz VIP Experience was created for entrepreneurs and small businesses that want a creative and innovative way to scale their sales and level-up their email lists with the perfect leads.

Spots are limited and I never build the same quiz twice. Ready to tap into some quiz building magic? 

Apply now for the Quiz VIP Experience!

If your application is accepted we will schedule a strategy call to identify the ideal quiz approach for your business. 

I can’t wait to help you grow your list with a quiz!