For the past 90 days I have been on a success sprint. I have been following my own methodology of Feel, Act Receive and shifting my life into a new space.
This episode is a check in after 35 days of starting to change who I’m BEing, and taking consistent action in the right direction every single day. The results have been staggering and I’m not sure why I ever fell off the wagon of consistency. I have already made more money, become more healthy mentally and physically and opened doors I didn’t even know where closed to my success.
I started going on a two mile walk towards the beginning of this 90 day sprint and it has transformed my mental clarity. I decided to not approach this walk as the exercise I need to lose weight (although that’s a nice benefit), but rather to give my brain the exercise it needed. I have recently learned I struggle with ADHD and going for a walk and feeding my brain with exercise AND a good podcast or book sets me in motion and creates more success.
It may seem obvious that every little decision we makes actually matters. But for me it was a truth I had ignored and pushed aside in the constant desire for comfort NOW. I slowly depleted my ability to delay gratification, to hold myself in integrity and to become stronger as a person. The past 35 days I really lived with the intention of every decision actually mattering and it has made some big shifts in my habit formation. I’ve learned that nothing is really that serious. But it does make a difference. And every decision builds character and identity. So I’m making more conscious choices.
One of the most impactful books I’ve read in the first month of this challenge to myself has been “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho.
You can grab the **Audible version here: The Alchemist on Audible
I love a good story and this is a parable that is simple yet extremely profound. Everyone who wants to shift into success needs to read this book. I plan to share some great lessons learned from this book with you on future episodes of the podcast. Read along with me!
And speaking of powerful stories…
The single most powerful thing you can do is to recognize that you are the creator of your own life story. I made a huge shift eight years ago that has launched my life to places I only ever dreamed of.
I show you step by step how to shift YOUR story to create success beyond YOUR wildest dreams in my program My Story Shift.
Grab that HERE and start shifting your stories!
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And check out my latest 100 days to 100k challenge that just launched this week over on TikTok!
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